Wednesday, July 1, 2009

This N That

Please keep my sister Cindy in your thoughts and prayers as she goes to Houston to get chemo tomorrow. And I am going in for a surgical biopsy for a lymph node on my neck. I am sure it is fine, but keep me in your thoughts and prayers also.

Today Thelma Lou and Dixie Lee celebrated their 12th birthdays! They have celebrated all their birthdays together except for when they turned 1. They had a grand time and were joined by Oliver, D'Leo,and my friend Janes new Dal, Sabrina. Ollie, D'Leo, and Sabrina are all from JLS Dals and are all related, so all of our Dals are related. I will have a video of their birthday uploaded soon.

Saturday I leave for Colorado with my friend Cindy. We will be gone for a week, but I have a petsitter living at my house! So if anyone sees my blog and wants to break in, the alarm will be set and the petsitter and my neighbors will be watching you!!